House of the Dragon Wants You to Trust Game of Thrones Again As soon as Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen cast aside her gaze from the fire and set her sights on revenge, the cat was out of the bag The new Game of Thrones series aims to give viewers what the previous one couldn't. It's as obvious as the fact that [spoiler] was doomed from the moment he climbed onto a dragon The show strives to renew the trust of those who were let down before, by delivering what they crave a female ruler who's determined to seize the Iron Throne without losing her identity and a plentiful supply of dragons. Despite this, House of the Dragon still has a long road ahead in regaining the viewers' confidence First, if you haven’t seen Sunday’s finale episode and don’t want to know what happens, stop reading Second, if you haven’t already kind of seen where this show wants to take you, you haven’t been paying attention One of the benefits of Dragon, as opposed to Game of Thrones, remains that...